Posted with LifeCast
I'm the Let's Chat Guy. When we listen to each other and go with the flow magic can happen.
"A joyologist, then would be one who studies joylogy. Frankly our world could use a great many joyologists whose mission in life is to actively research the effects of discussing and sharing joy. The research could branch out into how joy effects our careers, family lives, and friendships. The very act of doing the active research should spread jubilation throughout the world and bring about positive results. What a fun job! All one needs to start with is to share the words joyism, joyology, and joyologist with others. Use the words daily and make them a part of the world's vocabulary."And I am excited to find them on the web. They created their website, it seems, just a week or two ago, so perhaps this is another sign that a shift in our paradigms is wanting to happen. Anyway, I have signed up and hope to be accepted into that small community.
"We are one being - literally (individuality and separation is an illusion)
There is enough - but not distributed with equality or fairness at the moment (this will change)"
"I think the answer to terrorisim is JOYISIM. I think that we have enough non-profit charitable organizations. Government programs all tripping over their own feet. ... I say we cut out the middleman. Go direct to the root of the suffering. INDIVIDUAL to INDIVIDUAL."And "The Pope" also provided some links, all now defunct, unfortunately. Perhaps my writing what I am at this time is the sign that the time is ripe for a resurgence of the idea. Thank you The Pope; I hope we'll connect.