March 07, 2008

Recipe for Borrowing Love, Breathing Love - an offered practice

On Breathing, a recipe:
Allow stillness,
Allow quiteness,
Allow commitment,
Breathe forgivingly and notice,
When readiness happens,
Commit to breathe out every last breath of air in your lungs,
As if the life of the World depends upon it,
Pivot gently about your lower gut and gladly give back your last air to the Universe,
Know that it is returning to nature,
As the river blends with the ocean,
And feel the gratitude for its gift
Upon giving it up, make a choice;
Your next breath will be an inhalation of Love,
With an accepting heart,
Breathe Love through fresh and willing nostrils,
Notice and enjoy the emotion of wanting,
Open the doors of your heart's hall wide at each end,
And allow the Love to pass through,
Lighting hearth and bringing laughter,
Bring the Breath Love into your swelling belly,
Until you can take no more,
Decide to stop,
Be still,
Take delight,
Notice your intentions for the World,
For nature, 
For people known and unknown,
Allow Gratitude,
Allow Forgiveness,
Allow what's wanting to happen
Allow commitment,
Allow stillness,
Allow readiness,
When readiness happens,
Breathe Love with your intentional commitment,
Back to the Universe
repeat the cycle.
Repeat until you are repleat.

try it, post what you experience.

Love and peace

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