I love the message in this video. If you are doing something about your yearning, this is you. It is me, too.
Yes, it is an advert but it gave me far more than it took.
As always, your comments are very welcome.
June 12, 2009
New across my desk: Entrepreneurs can change the world
June 10, 2009
It had its Feng-Shui with me!
To me, Feng Shui was a tooth-rubbingly New Age lifestyle badge until I caressed, picked up and swung about the twin towers last week. Now I have an appreciation for the possibilities of architecture to imbue people with a sense of great power. When you cut out the mumbo-jumbo mystical talk, the key to empowerment is the skill of appreciation.

I thank Peter and the Petronas Twin Towers for their part in my breakthrough.
What I love about the Twin towers is, standing a little back, I admire the serrated profile and faceted, reflective surfaces. The towers have weight to them; I can imagine hefting them with a firm, open grip, as the cornices tantalisingly bring points of pain-pleasure into the thin, sensitive flesh of my burning hot palm. (To get the feeling for yourself, squeeze a Lego brick tightly in one hand) A Tower, in my hands, is like a mighty steel and crystal sceptre, reminding me I have the capability to use massive force; devastating when wielded, inspiring when held aloft.
As I type, my fingers and palm mounds are prickling with sweat and fire; flesh-memories of the power at my disposal. I am fidgety with anticipation like a separated lover. My heart quickens and whispers from "that knowing place" that I am a god of powerful love and destruction. If I choose.
So Feng Shui did this to me? Well, in a way, yes. The Twin Towers, as my friend Peter the Skyscraper builder was telling me, was designed, according to Feng Shui principles, in order to optimise wealth and luck. He told me how Feng Shui is the art of concentrating, channeling and storing Chi (Life Force, Ki, Prana, True Love - prevalent in Asiatic medicine and martial arts), through the careful attention to form, colour and positioning. By design, a Feng Shui creation is designed to inspire a sense of connection to something beyond our physical presence.

So, KAZAM! There it strikes me. As a form, the external structure of this twin edifice is an object, which brings a sense of strength and aliveness down my arms, extending down, beyond the physical extremity of my finger tips, to a place where I can exert optimal leverage or piercing accuracy at the flick of a thought. This sensation is the kinesthetic expression of my vibrant power as a human being. And it is just like the feeling I had in my dojo days as an AiKiDo student, when my unbendable arms could deftly throw my partner (know as "Uke") without actually connecting physically. So, yes, my Chi was in "flow mode" - Feng Shui worked.
And it has nothing to do with Feng Shui. The design principles just created a shorthand way for me to more easily get present in the moment, stop micro analyzing and stop micro worrying, thus releasing my inner courage and daring, and my sense of infinite power. The possibility is there, in every moment of our day, Feng Shui or not.
So try this experiment: Look over there (yes, over there) - to where there is an object or a building that is tantalizingly tactile. With your imagination, reach out an arm, enclose the building with your hand and give it a good, tight squeeze. Feel the juiciness. Now notice any feeling that connects your physical body to the place where the object stands; see if you can imagine a shape or thread that connects the two. Notice where it is anchored in you and where it passes through.

That, my friends, is the expression of your power in this moment. See how far away you can get the feeling to travel. Notice the sensations in your body.
Feng Shui cleverly enabled a building to attract my appreciative attention and bring me alive.
What if I were to start just appreciating, regardless of design or intent on the part of a third party? This thrill would be available to me whenever and how much ever I want and I could feel like a master of possibility.
Which leads me to my final question - What is stopping me from wanting that the whole time?

I thank Peter and the Petronas Twin Towers for their part in my breakthrough.
What I love about the Twin towers is, standing a little back, I admire the serrated profile and faceted, reflective surfaces. The towers have weight to them; I can imagine hefting them with a firm, open grip, as the cornices tantalisingly bring points of pain-pleasure into the thin, sensitive flesh of my burning hot palm. (To get the feeling for yourself, squeeze a Lego brick tightly in one hand) A Tower, in my hands, is like a mighty steel and crystal sceptre, reminding me I have the capability to use massive force; devastating when wielded, inspiring when held aloft.
As I type, my fingers and palm mounds are prickling with sweat and fire; flesh-memories of the power at my disposal. I am fidgety with anticipation like a separated lover. My heart quickens and whispers from "that knowing place" that I am a god of powerful love and destruction. If I choose.
So Feng Shui did this to me? Well, in a way, yes. The Twin Towers, as my friend Peter the Skyscraper builder was telling me, was designed, according to Feng Shui principles, in order to optimise wealth and luck. He told me how Feng Shui is the art of concentrating, channeling and storing Chi (Life Force, Ki, Prana, True Love - prevalent in Asiatic medicine and martial arts), through the careful attention to form, colour and positioning. By design, a Feng Shui creation is designed to inspire a sense of connection to something beyond our physical presence.

So, KAZAM! There it strikes me. As a form, the external structure of this twin edifice is an object, which brings a sense of strength and aliveness down my arms, extending down, beyond the physical extremity of my finger tips, to a place where I can exert optimal leverage or piercing accuracy at the flick of a thought. This sensation is the kinesthetic expression of my vibrant power as a human being. And it is just like the feeling I had in my dojo days as an AiKiDo student, when my unbendable arms could deftly throw my partner (know as "Uke") without actually connecting physically. So, yes, my Chi was in "flow mode" - Feng Shui worked.
And it has nothing to do with Feng Shui. The design principles just created a shorthand way for me to more easily get present in the moment, stop micro analyzing and stop micro worrying, thus releasing my inner courage and daring, and my sense of infinite power. The possibility is there, in every moment of our day, Feng Shui or not.
So try this experiment: Look over there (yes, over there) - to where there is an object or a building that is tantalizingly tactile. With your imagination, reach out an arm, enclose the building with your hand and give it a good, tight squeeze. Feel the juiciness. Now notice any feeling that connects your physical body to the place where the object stands; see if you can imagine a shape or thread that connects the two. Notice where it is anchored in you and where it passes through.

That, my friends, is the expression of your power in this moment. See how far away you can get the feeling to travel. Notice the sensations in your body.
Feng Shui cleverly enabled a building to attract my appreciative attention and bring me alive.
What if I were to start just appreciating, regardless of design or intent on the part of a third party? This thrill would be available to me whenever and how much ever I want and I could feel like a master of possibility.
Which leads me to my final question - What is stopping me from wanting that the whole time?
Breath power,
Feng Shui,
Life Force,
True Love,
June 09, 2009
Reflecting on Chats in KL
It is a few days after my last Let's Chat; day 3 in Kuala Lumpur (held on 4 June), Sarah's on school vacation and I find some moments to write about some of my reflections.
With 49 days (about 100 hours, about 250 chats, with about 250 individuals) in Calgary and 3 days (7 hours, about 44 individuals, 27 chats) in Kuala Lumpur, there are some patterns I perceive; worth a mention:
The most contentious one, I expect, is this one: How come, in Canada, on the three occasions when the public park-space was "invaded" by commercial or solicitous messaging, the number of people passing by, meeting me with eye contact, saying a quick "hello" or "how's it going?", dropped to zero, while the number sitting down to chat was unaffected? (1 set of marketing canvassers, 1 set of charity event signer-uppers, 1 big plumbers billboard). I make up the story that there is a section of the population who are "borderline connectors", who would stop and connect if circumstances were better (i.e. they will not make the time, but will do so if the time and place are right). However, demands for attention, especially demands which feel like they take more than they offer, send these people into a defensiveness, which could be likened to a form of tunnel vision; they become tightly-focused on their immediate objective and lose all peripheral awareness.
I read an article in Adbusters a year or two ago that cited data, showing that the average urban dweller is exposed to 5000(?) commercial messages per day. What is the impact of 5000 demands for my attention on my social awareness, even on my social intelligence? Stupification? What then satisfies my deep human need to feel connected or a sense of belonging? I make up that we have allowed ourselves to become subverted into a proxy experience of community, through the manipulated channel of advertising, rather than through our direct experience of the community that surrounds us. So, what should our responsibility be?
Back to the research: The big difference between the two cities is in the demographic I'm meeting, and only in terms of gender. In Calgary the "audience" was split 50/50 men and women, of all ages between 20-90, from day 1. So far. in Kuala Lumpur, all but three approaches have been by men. I can understand this because women do not approach strange men here and need a formal introduction. When women did approach me I was in the shade of a big Mall; maybe that was more familiar, safer territory than a street corner?
The second difference has been in the duration of chats. In Canada the average chat was about 10-15 minutes, whereas here it has been 5-10 minutes. I will need to gather more experience before I can say for certain, however I am making up a story that this is to do with the level of comfort of the "invitee". The temperature and sun exposure might be a factor, being far warmer and sunnier here than at the park in Calgary. Also, it might have something to do with the fact that in, in Calgary, when seated, my 6'3"" height was not apparent. Here I haven't found a good sitting location, am forced to stand and the height difference between me and the average Malaysian is a lot greater. I imagine that a big chap like me could appear threatening. On the other hand a friend said, "I don't know, a big, Caucasian male like you will get a lot of attention here". Time will tell.
I suspect that (and I make this up; this will be hard to verify, doing this by myself), the number of potential chatters, or the "potential chatter density" is the same in both regions. I have had a higher chat frequency, with a shorter duration, in Malaysia than in Canada, but potential chatters will tend to shy away from interrupting an existing chat (again I make that up). This will be interseting to verify, factoring in the environment (such as heat and sun, as said before) .
Sorry; right now I have to play with Sarah in the pool. I will build on this article later. Good bye for now - Phil
June 03, 2009
Let's Chat in Kuala Lumpur - Day 2 Interview
It was a very beautiful, clear-skied day and, although I was moved from the feet of the Twin Towers by security guards within three minutes, I managed to find a high-traffic spot.
This youTube video was shot by my new Let's Chat friend, Patsy Koay, as I was enjoying some shade and a can of 100 Plus, after the event.
There's some interesting stuff happening with some of the connections I am making here. I have no idea where it is leading but I do know the idea is having an entertaining and inspiring impact in the public space.
Have a beautiful day!
May 29, 2009
Let's Chat hits Kuala Lumpur! "We Are All One" but "we don't want people talking to the customers"
Wednesday 27th May 2009, 11:10-13:30, Bukit Bintang entrance to The Pavillions mall, Kuala Lumpur:
Yayyyyyyy! Yahooo! Rich connections. Rich potential. Rich learning. "We are all One" but "We don't want people talking to the customers"? I'll get to that at the end.
I'd just put up my sign at 11:10 when Jennifer strolled, open armed and open smiled, right into me for a discussion about chatting around the world. This beautiful Brit has been travelling for twenty years and made a point of talking to anyone. She discovered that basically people ARE the same, wherever you go. In this moment I'm asking myself, are people intrinsically the same or is it us who encourage people to act-out our similarities, by the way we show up in the world? I suspect it's not an either/or situation at all. I am inspired to feel the possibility that peace and progress are possible from inviting connections with strangers. This comes from the phenomenon of expressed similarity, that only comes about because we are curious about what lies behind the clothes, skin, culture, behaviour. I am convinced our success as a species will come from this kind of awareness.
Back to Jennifer, She saved me from myself at that moment, because the Mall security guard had asked me to come with him to seek a permit through the Concierge's department. Jennifer's impact was pacification and the guard withdrew. He didn't stay away the whole time however, as I shall tell shortly.
Then a butterfly danced between us, by the name of Patsy, lightness and vividness infected our conversation with enthusiastic support for a world of chance meetings and new progress. So then we were three. Jennifer left and Patsy, after they'd swapped details, and stayed for a while longer. There's a picture of us together on her facebook (here).
Here is Patsy's visitor book entry:

Mr Long was next, he ambled over from his morning espresso and stayed with me for 10 minutes, discussing the poor state of Malaysian race politics and ethincally polarised education as the root cause of Singapore's relative greatness. I've recently been reading in the press the results of youth servey's which show Malaysian youngsters consider themselves Malaysian, mostly, and not Malay, Chinese, Indian, Nyonya, etc. So Mr Long's bitterness gave me the refreshment of espresso, sweatened by a sense that the time is right for open, curious dialogues between strangers.
Dayang and her friend, Malays from a neighbouring province, studying business here, had circuited me three times before their curiosity got the better of them. We chatted about school and aspiration
Then came Sara, an Iranian marketing MBA grad and hopefully, recently successful job interviewee, who was mad at herself and opened up for a bit of Process coaching. I won't say more about that other than, from my side, I was exhilarated to be doing what I trained for, in the street, with someone I had known for five minutes. here is a testament to the value of openness:

Sara checked in with me on Facebook and tells me the discovery she made about herself in our conversation is now working its way out.
During my stay, in the shade from the tall mall, I noticed the security guards always seemed present in the corner of my eye. They kept away as I discussed Malaysians' incorrect interpretation of Islam, with Moaad, a Libyan MBA graduate. They remained in the periphary while Jesse, a 20 year old boutique manager, enthused about the fashion chain he wants to start, looked on by his grinning, younger friend. I almost didn't notice them when the Irish engineer, Fergus, was cross-examining me about my mission and motives. But it was after I ran into my own set overtime to joke around and have polaroids taken with a group of Indonesian business students, that I noticed a smartly attired woman, just over my right shoulder, flanked by two guards.
She asked to see my "work permit", a doc issued by the operating company for the mall. I told her how I wasn't doing work, nor soliciting or preaching and that this was private research, etc. Obviously I had no permit, so she informed me that "we don't want people talking to the customers" and invited me to seek a permit upstairs. Flanked by a three-pipped guard supervisor with no spoken English, we elevated to the 9th floor, to a sanitary, glass corridored complex and went into the Retail Operations department. I had two similar conversations with two female suits. Yes they were objects to me because I failed to challenge the persona of suitness they projected. I failed to take it higher. I had made up I was just going through some motions that would lead to rejection and I got exactly that. Turns out there is not one patch of pavement (sidewalk) in that district which is not privately operated by a retail company. My heart sank.
As I walked, pole in one hand, wrapped sign board in the other, bag and brolley over my shoulder, having just left my guard escort at the threshold, I reflected. How amazing! I did it! I wasn't arrested either! No-one was unkind; everyone who even made eye contact smiled or encouraged me. People here seem to want this like the people in Calgary. I even did better by maintaining my non-commercial/political/religious integrity AND gaining some tangible allies (Facebook friends), who are already talking this up with their friends. I resolved to keep getting escorted to the office, if necessary, AND NEXT TIME I meet a suit I will try harder to listen, be curious and seek the common connection.
It's funny, right beside where I chatted is a huge hoarding proclaiming on behalf of Calvin Klein that "We Are All One". I didn't need a multinational corporation to tell me that, because I was experiencing and proving it on a privately owned sidewalk, meeting the owners' disapproval.
We don't need anyone to tell us, folks, how it is that we are "all one" and we don't need to accept that our interactions be controlled by retail operations departments. We can find out for ourselves and the possibilities that then open are vaster than they imagined.
With love,
Yayyyyyyy! Yahooo! Rich connections. Rich potential. Rich learning. "We are all One" but "We don't want people talking to the customers"? I'll get to that at the end.
I'd just put up my sign at 11:10 when Jennifer strolled, open armed and open smiled, right into me for a discussion about chatting around the world. This beautiful Brit has been travelling for twenty years and made a point of talking to anyone. She discovered that basically people ARE the same, wherever you go. In this moment I'm asking myself, are people intrinsically the same or is it us who encourage people to act-out our similarities, by the way we show up in the world? I suspect it's not an either/or situation at all. I am inspired to feel the possibility that peace and progress are possible from inviting connections with strangers. This comes from the phenomenon of expressed similarity, that only comes about because we are curious about what lies behind the clothes, skin, culture, behaviour. I am convinced our success as a species will come from this kind of awareness.
Back to Jennifer, She saved me from myself at that moment, because the Mall security guard had asked me to come with him to seek a permit through the Concierge's department. Jennifer's impact was pacification and the guard withdrew. He didn't stay away the whole time however, as I shall tell shortly.
Then a butterfly danced between us, by the name of Patsy, lightness and vividness infected our conversation with enthusiastic support for a world of chance meetings and new progress. So then we were three. Jennifer left and Patsy, after they'd swapped details, and stayed for a while longer. There's a picture of us together on her facebook (here).
Here is Patsy's visitor book entry:

Mr Long was next, he ambled over from his morning espresso and stayed with me for 10 minutes, discussing the poor state of Malaysian race politics and ethincally polarised education as the root cause of Singapore's relative greatness. I've recently been reading in the press the results of youth servey's which show Malaysian youngsters consider themselves Malaysian, mostly, and not Malay, Chinese, Indian, Nyonya, etc. So Mr Long's bitterness gave me the refreshment of espresso, sweatened by a sense that the time is right for open, curious dialogues between strangers.
Dayang and her friend, Malays from a neighbouring province, studying business here, had circuited me three times before their curiosity got the better of them. We chatted about school and aspiration
Then came Sara, an Iranian marketing MBA grad and hopefully, recently successful job interviewee, who was mad at herself and opened up for a bit of Process coaching. I won't say more about that other than, from my side, I was exhilarated to be doing what I trained for, in the street, with someone I had known for five minutes. here is a testament to the value of openness:

Sara checked in with me on Facebook and tells me the discovery she made about herself in our conversation is now working its way out.
During my stay, in the shade from the tall mall, I noticed the security guards always seemed present in the corner of my eye. They kept away as I discussed Malaysians' incorrect interpretation of Islam, with Moaad, a Libyan MBA graduate. They remained in the periphary while Jesse, a 20 year old boutique manager, enthused about the fashion chain he wants to start, looked on by his grinning, younger friend. I almost didn't notice them when the Irish engineer, Fergus, was cross-examining me about my mission and motives. But it was after I ran into my own set overtime to joke around and have polaroids taken with a group of Indonesian business students, that I noticed a smartly attired woman, just over my right shoulder, flanked by two guards.
She asked to see my "work permit", a doc issued by the operating company for the mall. I told her how I wasn't doing work, nor soliciting or preaching and that this was private research, etc. Obviously I had no permit, so she informed me that "we don't want people talking to the customers" and invited me to seek a permit upstairs. Flanked by a three-pipped guard supervisor with no spoken English, we elevated to the 9th floor, to a sanitary, glass corridored complex and went into the Retail Operations department. I had two similar conversations with two female suits. Yes they were objects to me because I failed to challenge the persona of suitness they projected. I failed to take it higher. I had made up I was just going through some motions that would lead to rejection and I got exactly that. Turns out there is not one patch of pavement (sidewalk) in that district which is not privately operated by a retail company. My heart sank.
As I walked, pole in one hand, wrapped sign board in the other, bag and brolley over my shoulder, having just left my guard escort at the threshold, I reflected. How amazing! I did it! I wasn't arrested either! No-one was unkind; everyone who even made eye contact smiled or encouraged me. People here seem to want this like the people in Calgary. I even did better by maintaining my non-commercial/political/religious integrity AND gaining some tangible allies (Facebook friends), who are already talking this up with their friends. I resolved to keep getting escorted to the office, if necessary, AND NEXT TIME I meet a suit I will try harder to listen, be curious and seek the common connection.
It's funny, right beside where I chatted is a huge hoarding proclaiming on behalf of Calvin Klein that "We Are All One". I didn't need a multinational corporation to tell me that, because I was experiencing and proving it on a privately owned sidewalk, meeting the owners' disapproval.
We don't need anyone to tell us, folks, how it is that we are "all one" and we don't need to accept that our interactions be controlled by retail operations departments. We can find out for ourselves and the possibilities that then open are vaster than they imagined.
With love,
May 20, 2009
I had to giggle - so I made this
Our friends recently went to Bali for a few days, so we looked after their tiny, tiny pet Chihuahua, "Mouse". She was the runt of the litter, apparently, is over a year old and will not get bigger.
For such a small hound,, she had a huge, erm, appetite.
During one afternoon, I whipped out my phone camera and recorded the linked footage, for your viewing pleasure. It is under 3 minutes long, so you do have time. I wish you all a beautiful day!
Click this link or click the title and enjoy
For such a small hound,, she had a huge, erm, appetite.
During one afternoon, I whipped out my phone camera and recorded the linked footage, for your viewing pleasure. It is under 3 minutes long, so you do have time. I wish you all a beautiful day!
Click this link or click the title and enjoy
May 11, 2009
It just eats...
I've got this large, old piece of corrugated plastic tucked to one side of my home office. It's a little buckled and dog-eared and the metalic, deep blue paint is scuffed. Across one segment is a hatched track, where some duct tape reacted with the paint. The paper lettering , spelling out the invitation "Let's Chat" is blistered from exposure to rain and the pointy corner of the speech bubble is dinged in from it's rough handling on route around the world from Canada to Malaysia.
And it just eats at me. I know what I feel compelled to do, to get out into the open spaces of this beautiful, diverse, busy-busy Kuala Lumpur and start inviting strangers to chat. And it just eats. I have sought refuge from the inevitable by being busy moving home, getting my girl into school, being under the yoke of rivulet inducing heat. It's eating me when I tell people about my past chatting glory, knowing that idle talk only brings temporary relief from the gnawing guilt of work wanting to be done and me just watching it.
I nearly started a few weeks ago; I had the shady but exposed spot planned in KLCC park (in the presence of the Petronas Twin Towers) and the timing set for the peak lunch time rush. I dusted of my speech bubble and got ready to make the repairs. My wife saw it and said "No f***ing way are you doing that here, or you can just get on the plane home". OUCH.
So I sat on it a while. By chance I meet a barrister and ask his opinion. I'm stalling of course. I've read about something in Malaysia called the Internal Security Act, and I am unsure if what I am planning is allowed by law - so I seek reassurance from his generous expertise. My hopes are raised when he sees no reason why not. But then I am deflated after he refers to a colleague who practiced as a government lawyer; he advises me against; I will probably be picked up by the CID and questioned. Of course, now I have to "think about it", from a "logistical standpoint", you understand. It's not that I'm scared of being detained; I have every confidence that my unpolitical, non-commercial, secular social experiment will get the big OK. It's just that I might end up being detained for hours that a responsible house-husband might not be able to afford. I'm still stalling, of course.
Before it consumes me I will be out there. My wife is travelling so I'll seize the moent this week - always ask forgiveness. I feel supported by her and I know it is my procrastination she really objects to. So tomorrow I buy some touch up paint, a shady umbrella and a stock of bottled water and off I go. My sign will be sated and I will start once again walking in my own shoes.
Question: who will hold me accountable for making this happen - I need an e-volunteer, please?
Question: what are you stalling on right now?
I nearly started a few weeks ago; I had the shady but exposed spot planned in KLCC park (in the presence of the Petronas Twin Towers) and the timing set for the peak lunch time rush. I dusted of my speech bubble and got ready to make the repairs. My wife saw it and said "No f***ing way are you doing that here, or you can just get on the plane home". OUCH.
So I sat on it a while. By chance I meet a barrister and ask his opinion. I'm stalling of course. I've read about something in Malaysia called the Internal Security Act, and I am unsure if what I am planning is allowed by law - so I seek reassurance from his generous expertise. My hopes are raised when he sees no reason why not. But then I am deflated after he refers to a colleague who practiced as a government lawyer; he advises me against; I will probably be picked up by the CID and questioned. Of course, now I have to "think about it", from a "logistical standpoint", you understand. It's not that I'm scared of being detained; I have every confidence that my unpolitical, non-commercial, secular social experiment will get the big OK. It's just that I might end up being detained for hours that a responsible house-husband might not be able to afford. I'm still stalling, of course.
Before it consumes me I will be out there. My wife is travelling so I'll seize the moent this week - always ask forgiveness. I feel supported by her and I know it is my procrastination she really objects to. So tomorrow I buy some touch up paint, a shady umbrella and a stock of bottled water and off I go. My sign will be sated and I will start once again walking in my own shoes.
Question: who will hold me accountable for making this happen - I need an e-volunteer, please?
Question: what are you stalling on right now?
Internal Security Act,
Kuala Lumpur,
Let's Chat,
Social Experiment
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