I nearly started a few weeks ago; I had the shady but exposed spot planned in KLCC park (in the presence of the Petronas Twin Towers) and the timing set for the peak lunch time rush. I dusted of my speech bubble and got ready to make the repairs. My wife saw it and said "No f***ing way are you doing that here, or you can just get on the plane home". OUCH.
So I sat on it a while. By chance I meet a barrister and ask his opinion. I'm stalling of course. I've read about something in Malaysia called the Internal Security Act, and I am unsure if what I am planning is allowed by law - so I seek reassurance from his generous expertise. My hopes are raised when he sees no reason why not. But then I am deflated after he refers to a colleague who practiced as a government lawyer; he advises me against; I will probably be picked up by the CID and questioned. Of course, now I have to "think about it", from a "logistical standpoint", you understand. It's not that I'm scared of being detained; I have every confidence that my unpolitical, non-commercial, secular social experiment will get the big OK. It's just that I might end up being detained for hours that a responsible house-husband might not be able to afford. I'm still stalling, of course.
Before it consumes me I will be out there. My wife is travelling so I'll seize the moent this week - always ask forgiveness. I feel supported by her and I know it is my procrastination she really objects to. So tomorrow I buy some touch up paint, a shady umbrella and a stock of bottled water and off I go. My sign will be sated and I will start once again walking in my own shoes.
Question: who will hold me accountable for making this happen - I need an e-volunteer, please?
Question: what are you stalling on right now?
1 comment:
I love your blog Phil!! And what you are preaching... I'll be your e-support if you want to - so get out there in KL and spread your evangelism.
Hugs Maria
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