I thank Peter and the Petronas Twin Towers for their part in my breakthrough.
What I love about the Twin towers is, standing a little back, I admire the serrated profile and faceted, reflective surfaces. The towers have weight to them; I can imagine hefting them with a firm, open grip, as the cornices tantalisingly bring points of pain-pleasure into the thin, sensitive flesh of my burning hot palm. (To get the feeling for yourself, squeeze a Lego brick tightly in one hand) A Tower, in my hands, is like a mighty steel and crystal sceptre, reminding me I have the capability to use massive force; devastating when wielded, inspiring when held aloft.
As I type, my fingers and palm mounds are prickling with sweat and fire; flesh-memories of the power at my disposal. I am fidgety with anticipation like a separated lover. My heart quickens and whispers from "that knowing place" that I am a god of powerful love and destruction. If I choose.
So Feng Shui did this to me? Well, in a way, yes. The Twin Towers, as my friend Peter the Skyscraper builder was telling me, was designed, according to Feng Shui principles, in order to optimise wealth and luck. He told me how Feng Shui is the art of concentrating, channeling and storing Chi (Life Force, Ki, Prana, True Love - prevalent in Asiatic medicine and martial arts), through the careful attention to form, colour and positioning. By design, a Feng Shui creation is designed to inspire a sense of connection to something beyond our physical presence.

So, KAZAM! There it strikes me. As a form, the external structure of this twin edifice is an object, which brings a sense of strength and aliveness down my arms, extending down, beyond the physical extremity of my finger tips, to a place where I can exert optimal leverage or piercing accuracy at the flick of a thought. This sensation is the kinesthetic expression of my vibrant power as a human being. And it is just like the feeling I had in my dojo days as an AiKiDo student, when my unbendable arms could deftly throw my partner (know as "Uke") without actually connecting physically. So, yes, my Chi was in "flow mode" - Feng Shui worked.
And it has nothing to do with Feng Shui. The design principles just created a shorthand way for me to more easily get present in the moment, stop micro analyzing and stop micro worrying, thus releasing my inner courage and daring, and my sense of infinite power. The possibility is there, in every moment of our day, Feng Shui or not.
So try this experiment: Look over there (yes, over there) - to where there is an object or a building that is tantalizingly tactile. With your imagination, reach out an arm, enclose the building with your hand and give it a good, tight squeeze. Feel the juiciness. Now notice any feeling that connects your physical body to the place where the object stands; see if you can imagine a shape or thread that connects the two. Notice where it is anchored in you and where it passes through.

That, my friends, is the expression of your power in this moment. See how far away you can get the feeling to travel. Notice the sensations in your body.
Feng Shui cleverly enabled a building to attract my appreciative attention and bring me alive.
What if I were to start just appreciating, regardless of design or intent on the part of a third party? This thrill would be available to me whenever and how much ever I want and I could feel like a master of possibility.
Which leads me to my final question - What is stopping me from wanting that the whole time?
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